
Manuha’apai Vaeatangitau, ‘Ahota’e’iloa Toetu’u, ‘Aloisia Ngata, David Leone Vaea, Vula To’ofohe, and ‘Uhila Kanongata’a Nai

12 Apr 2022 – 12 May 2022

nstallation view of ‘Leiti’ (2022) from ‘Fehokotaki’ by David Leone Vaea. Photo courtesy of Emily Parr. ⁣

St Paul St Gallery in partnership with Vā Moana Research Cluster presents ‘Fehokotaki,’ curated by ‘Uhila Kanongata’a Nai | April 12 – May 12 in Gallery Two.

Featuring work from Manuha’apai Vaeatangitau, ‘Ahota’e’iloa Toetu’u, ‘Aloisia Ngata, David Leone Vaea, Vula To’ofohe, and ‘Uhila Kanongata’a Nai.

The title of this exhibition belongs to the Tongan phrase “fehokotaki ‘i ha vaha’a taimi ‘i ha feitu’u kehekehe,” and responds to the shifting spaces and multi-layered concepts of time specific to Moana peoples across our region.

Following University guidelines we will be slowly reopening to the public over the coming weeks, with a celebration of ‘Fehokotaki’ plus forthcoming programming set for Thursday May 5. We look forward to welcoming you back into the space soon!

Many thanks to Tautai Pacific Arts Trust for providing generous support toward this project.

Centre for Design Research
Te Kura Toi a Hoahoa
School of Art and Design

Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau,
Auckland University of Technology


Gregory Bennett greg.bennett@aut.ac.nz
Susan Hedges susan.hedges@aut.ac.nz
Mandy Smith mandy.smith@aut.ac.nz

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish images or illustrations with their papers in CDR; neither editors nor publishers of CDR accept responsibility for any author’s/authors’ failure to do so.

© Centre for Design Research, AUT University 2021